Monday, May 23, 2016

Writers: Have fun and use Twitter more effectively

Is Twitter for marketing or for fun?

Let's face it, the "buy my book…Buy My Book…BUY MY BOOK" approach on twitter is a study in futility. My timeline has a lot of authors using this type of self-promotion, most of which I ignore unless the book is a new release.

How can we as writers use Twitter more effectively and still have fun? Of course, and here is the best way to do it.


Hashtags are the # symbol that is used before a certain word to create tweets within that group. Here are some examples of common hashtags for author.


One of my favorite is #1linewed because on Wednesdays it's a chance to put out tweets of your work in progress and get exposure for your future books. The #1linewed has themes for each Wednesday, and you can find that day's theme by the hashtag: #1LineWedTheme.

#WritersLife is another great one because you can find blog links and find out what other writers are doing in their life. You'll find inspirational quotes, tweets on people experiencing writer's block and this hashtag decently interactive.

Every writer wants to sell a story once it's been published, but marketing shouldn't make you miserable. Use a hashtag to get noticed.

Tweet something interesting.

My hero in (insert book title) won't let me sleep. #writerslife

Ask a question and use a hashtag.
Is 3 pages too short for a chapter? #Writers

Post an update on your writing.
1200 words written today on my contemporary suspense. #amwriting

Search the hashtags and reply to other writer's tweets. Interaction makes a huge difference in your enjoyment with Twitter. People truly do have common experiences and it's great when we can show support to others by replying to their tweet.

Some days will be more active than others, so don't get discouraged if you don't get any replies or retweets. Also remember that there is nothing wrong with promotional tweets in between your hashtag tweets.

If I like someone's profile and tweets, I'll retweet their promotional tweet. I'm always happy to support others if they're real on Twitter.

Do you have a favorite hashtag?

Any other Twitter tips you'd like to share?

Mary Corrales
Mary Corrales is a multi-published author of erotica and erotic romance in several genres including paranormal, contemporary suspense, fantasy, and dystopian. She love's hearing from readers so don't be shy and send her an email.

1 comment:

Daniel Thatch said...

Good article. I agree with the general view that 2 #s are enough at a time - some writers go mad ! I too hate feeds where it's all promo tweets - so boring ! Let's have some humour !