I began my writing journey ten years ago. Well, actually, it began when I was five and published my first poem in the local newspaper, but ten years ago was when I got serious and began to learn the craft and put real effort into working toward my dream. Yep, it took me that long to finally become published so don’t ever give up on your dreams!
Long story short, I wrote all the time. Day and night. Couldn’t get enough of my stories, characters, plots. Dreamed about it, couldn’t wait to write! I didn’t mind revisions. I didn’t even mind the rejections. They meant I did it. I actually achieved my goal. I finished a novel and had the courage to send it out. I finaled in the Golden Heart in 2006 and in a local chapter contest. I was on top of the world.
Then, my dream came true! I sold my first book! Yep! I’ll be a published author in October of this year. Seeing my name on the cover of that book is the best feeling ever. It’s what I always wanted. I’m so happy I can’t stop pinching myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.
But…I can’t seem to write. I’m a writer who can’t write. It’s been slowing the past couple years, even though I now have an office to write in and time to do it. I want to write. I love to write. I’m miserable when I’m not writing. I miss it! I think about it 24/7. But, when I sit down to write I stare at a blank page. I even manage to write a page or two, but just can’t seem to get inspired or interested. I feel like I’ve lost that fire, that passion I had when I first started writing ten years ago.
Was that the fireworks stage of writing? Like in a relationship? When everything is new and fun? Does writing become complacent?
Or, is this writer’s block? I’ve never experienced this before. And I don’t know how to combat it. So, if anyone can relate, or has gone through anything like this, or can offer any words of wisdom I’m all ears. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for listening and visiting Tabby's Nocturnal Nights today! I hope you’ll stop by again!
Jennifer Kamptner
w/a Jennifer Lowery
‘Where happily ever after is only the beginning...'
Hard Core~Lyrical Press~October 2012
2006 Golden Heart Finalist
Author Website Facebook Twitter Romance Recipes
Jennifer, I think you're right. There is a honeymoon stage where you can't get enough of writing then it tapers. I've been doing 20 minute sprints to discipline myself this week and that has worked well. I finished a chapter that's been sitting for months and added another. For me the technique works great.
The goal is 1000 words per hour with two 20 minute sessions of non-distracted writing followed by 10 minutes of email checking, web surfing, eating bathroom whatever else. But during that 20 minute session you only write. If you can get 500 words in each session you've got 1000 words in an hour.
I've been there, Jennifer. For me, I wrote less after being published because I had to turn my focus to marketing. An endeavor that can eat up writing time, but is very necessary.
It may also be a self imposed pressure to write more books in order to Sell more. That sort of thinking doesn't help the creative process.
Try focusing on one character and answering; who, what, where, when and why.
This dry spell will pass, I promise. Best of luck!
When was the last time you really wrote?
What happens when you try to write?
Is there a story idea that inspires you?
I liked the idea of just trying it for 20 minutes at a time, but its possible that you may just be burnt out.
I have some prompts and ideas on my site if it might help.
Thanks, ladies! I agree with all of you! Casea, I'm going to try the writing sprints!
Mary, definitely going to refocus. I agree with you there. I think now that I signed a contract I'm stopped up to sell instead of create.
Andrea, I'm heading over to your site!
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