Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Big Faux Pas

Well I finally finished my rough draft of Soul Extraction and it’s on to edits. I’m so excited about having a finished rough draft but not so much about the edits. LOL!
But that’s not what this blog is about.

My mother read my story and brought to my attention that all she knew about my hero was he had green eyes and dimples. I was shocked and laughed when she said she pictured floating green eyes and dimples. Too funny! I got a real laugh out of that one. After I chastised myself for being so stupid!

Okay not that big of a deal and an easy fix. But here is where the big faux pas starts. Ready? Wait for it…Everyone knows exactly what the evil demon in my book looks like. Yep! There you have it I’m more in love with Nyx the souls sucking demon of Soul Extraction than the hero Craigen. I have no clue when this happened but it did. Maybe it is because Nyx was the character that inspired S E. At least that is what I tell myself. Helps me sleep better at night. Yeah right!

Oh the shame! But I have to admit I don’t feel any shame at all. I really love that evil bastard! His character has just jumped right into my head and refuses to go away. Now I feel the need to redeem him because I just couldn’t kill him off. It actually made me sad to think of him dying. Go figure! I’m not sure how such a vile character has latched on and made me feel there is more to him than the debauchery he has created.

This story started as a short and was only about Nyx. There was no hero or heroine. Just the vile and evil natured but every sexy demon. Maybe I just figured without his character SE would never have existed. I have to give him credit for that at least. I knew what he looked like and the ins and outs of his character before there ever was a hero or heroine. Nyx has left a lasting impression on my brain. He grabbed me and got my attention before Craigen or Lyric ever existed.

My question is am I just crazy or do some of you guys love the villains as well? I don’t mean you love to hate them because we’ve all been there. LOL! But have you ever felt attached to the bad guy in the story? Like he was just misunderstood. Or maybe I’m just nuts! That is very possible. LOL!  

Oh and I guess I better show you what Nyx looks like right? That would just be all kinds of wrong not to give you a picture of my inspiration. He looks like the very sexy Jared Leto. He is just bigger...way bigger. These pictures are so Nyx. They catch his cocky personality to a tee.Yummy! Enjoy!

Happy Reading and Writing,
Tabitha Blake


Victoria Adams said...

Too funny. We get wrapped up in a character and tend to forget about the others.

I tend to assume that since I know what they look like then the reader should also.

Tabitha Blake said...

Yeah I guess your right. I just assume that everyone can read my mind. LOL! Thanks for stopping by Victoria!

Author Nikki Prince said...

It's almost like when we are writing we know what we want. We think we have written it down, but it is all in our head. LOL thank god for beta readers.


Tabitha Blake said...

Oh man ain't that the truth! Thanks for stopping by Nichelle.

Anonymous said...

I love a good villain! Great post! Fun to read!

Tabitha Blake said...

Thanks Jen for stopping by.

Charlotte said...

Very interesting.

Tabitha Blake said...

Thanks for stopping by Charlotte.

Zee Monodee said...

I'm always, always, falling for the bad guy! Just the other day we were watching Season 1 of the new Hawaii 5-0 show, and within minutes of the bad guy showing up (Hawaiian actor & martial arts champion Mark Dacascos), my husband turned to me and went, "of course you're finding him hotter than McGarrett (the hero, played by Alex O'Loughlin)" :)

Something about them, I dunno - the fascination of the bad boy? XOXO

Brenda said...

How did I miss your post?
I swear, if my head wasn't attached...
Anyway, great post. And I agree with you, lol. I sometimes forget readers can't see into my mind.

Lia Davis said...

I love a written villain, too. :) I always have to add more of my heroes during edits/revisions. Some more so than others. Great post!

Stacey Brutger said...

Too funny! We know our characters so well, we don't always realize what we have in our head doesn't translate to the pages.

What? Didn't I put that in there?

Great post!

Andrea Teagan said...

So nice to find your blog and join the writer's group. Woo hoo! I can totally understand what you mean about Nyx. He sounds swoon-worthy. I've always had a thing for the bad guys too. Hopefully Craig (can I call him that?) will be just as delightful. P.S. I love the pics.

Tabitha Blake said...

Zee I have to admit I just love the bad boy! Thanks for stopping by! Sorry it took so long I have been really sick.

Tabitha Blake said...

Hey Brenda! Wait a minute! You mean they can't read our minds? Crap. I'm so screwed! LOL! Thanks for stopping by. Love ya!

Tabitha Blake said...

Hey Lia! Yeah I think i will have to flesh out my hero more. I should be shot! LOL! Thanks for stopping by!

Tabitha Blake said...
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Tabitha Blake said...

Stacey thats what I was thinking. LOL! Smacks head into desk. Well crap! What you think you wrote and what you actually wrote are two different things. Thanks for stopping by!

Tabitha Blake said...

Andrea its good to see you here and a joy to have you in our writing group. Oh man Nyx is just drool worthy and sexy as all get out. LOL! Yep! There I go again. Sure you can call him Craig. LOL! He is a great hero and a very tortured one. Next week I may have to talk about poor Craigen. LOL! Glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for stopping by!

Zee Monodee said...

So sorry to hear you've been sick, girl! Hope you're better now... *hugs*

Andrea Teagan said...

OMG. It just hit me. Jared Leto played Jordan Catalano! I knew I really liked those pictures, now I know why. I had a big crush on him when I watched My So Called Life back in the day :)


Tabitha Blake said...

That's is too funny Andrea! I just love him. He perfect inspiration for Nyx. So sexy!