Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where Were You on This Tragic Day in History?

I’m going to go off the normal subject we blog about here on NN. On the ten-year anniversary of 9/11 I felt we needed to remember those that lost their lives. 

This is not meant to be a debate or to bring up all the arguments about this tragic day. It is strictly to remember those that were lost. So please no comments on conspiracy theories etc. And Please no political views. I don't want this blog to turn into a political argument. Thanks.

This is a sad day for many that lost people in this catastrophic event. So lets be mindful of the impact this had on so many lives. This is a very emotional blog for me so please bare with me on this one. It still rips at my soul.

It is amazing that it has been ten years, it seems like it happened yesterday. It is so fresh in my brain and I think it always will be. You just can’t forget something like that or at least I can’t. The images still haunt me when I see them. I remember exactly where I was when it happened. 

Going about my business and preparing for another long workday. It was a normal morning but it turned into one of the worst mornings in American History. I had no clue that something so earth shattering would happen within minutes of arriving at work. 

I received a call from a hysterical client saying she wouldn’t be able to come in for her appointment. Her voice shook and she sobbed. I asked what was wrong and she proceeded to tell me the most shocking and terrible story about the unforeseen attach on one of the Twin Towers. Immediately I ran to the back of the clinic and turned on the radio. My fellow employees and I sat and listened as the grime tale played its self out. By the time we turned the radio on the other Tower was hit. 

I remember the shock, thinking this can’t be happening. So many things raced through my mind. What was going on? What would happen next? I remember wondering if anyone was safe, my kids, my family. Needless to say we closed and went home that day. 

Watching the news and all the events playing out and all that lose of life I sat and cried. My heart broke for all the people directly or indirectly involved in this senseless violence. I didn't lose anyone in this tragic event but the sadness still haunts me when I see the footage. It never gets easier. My heart goes out to the families of the innocent and the heros of 9/11. 

Where were you Sept. 11, 2001 at 8:52 am? Do you remember? Did you lose someone on this tragic day? If so please feel free to share. That is what this blog is all about, remembering those we lost.

I stare in total disbelief,
heart torn with instant grief.
Plumes of black smoke fill the air,
marking a building no longer there.
I close my eyes, I want to pray,
but my mind doesn't know what to say.
Much like Pearl harbor, so many years ago,
so many gone with one fatal blow.
There are no words to explain,
there are no words to ease the pain.
To those who gave their lives,
Mothers, Fathers, Husbands and Wives,
to all who's lives today did cease,
may your soul find instant peace.
We will honor you and the life you gave,
as a Patriot of "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave."
Author Unknown

In remembrance of those that died in 9/11. May you never be forgotten. Here is a remembrance video but be warned you will probably cry. I did. 


Brenda said...

What a powerful post.
On that tragic day, I was sitting on my youngest son's swing, talking to my neighbor. We were laughing and joking around. I saw a plane--a 747-- flying very low. We wondered at this strange behavior, but after it passed we continued on with our conversation. We went into the house--the TV was on.....that's when I found out. At first, I didn't believe it--couldn't believe it. But as the drama unfolded.....
Anyway, my heart goes out to all.

Tabitha Blake said...

Thanks Brenda! It was a very tough post to write. I still feel so many emotions when I watch the footage ten years later. You would think it would get easier but with that much lose of life I don't see how.

Ambrielle Kirk said...

It was my sophomore year in college. I was eating breakfast in the cafe, when all the stations tuned to the events. Me and everyone else were so floored, no one moved and our eyes were glued to CNN. My heart dropped just as they announced that the second tower had collapsed. I didnt make it to my next class.

Christine Warner said...

Very heart wrenching post Tabitha. Like you, I can't believe it's been 10 years and the images forever live on in my mind and still bring tears to my eyes.

I was at work that day, working on Labor and Delivery when one of the floor nurses rushed from the break room and asked me to come in and see what was happening. It was surreal, to say the least. Slowly others trickled in and we all watched wordlessly as the events unfolded before our eyes. I still can't describe the feelings that swept through me.

One of the odd things was, that normally that floor was busy and loud, but that day it was eerily quiet.

Going home I just felt deflated. Watched the news all that night on TV and it still breaks my heart.

Great post. Thanks for sharing your story!

Tabitha Blake said...

Thanks for stopping by Ambrielle and Christine. You both described it so well. It was a feeling of total disbelief and shock. Not to mention the lose of security. But so many people became heroes that day and I'm not just talking about rescue personnel. Just goes to show that American people step up to the plate when a tragic event like this one happens.

Jerrie Alexander said...

Great post Tabitha. We need to remember and reflect on the lives lost and heroism displayed that day.

I was a work when my boss ran past my door. He called everyone to the conference room, where we watched in silent horror and tears as the second plane flew into the tower.

I travelled a lot back then and was touched by the number of times my cell rang, and I heard the question, "Where are you?"

The boss sent us home to be with our famlies, to watch and pray.

Thanks for sharing!

Sheri Fredricks said...

Ten years ago, I was laying on the living room floor, playing blocks with my 2 year old son. It was early in CA and my husband was getting ready for work. He was watching the news in the bedroom and ran out to turn the big set on.

Stacking blocks. Watching them fall. The news going in the background.

Those are my heartbreaking memories.

Tabitha Blake said...

Jerri thanks for stopping by. I feel it is important as well to remember those we lost. I don't think anyone escaped the total sadness of the impact of that day. How wonderful it must have been for you to know so many people need verification to know you were okay.

Tabitha Blake said...

Sherri how ironic is that. Wow! It is almost symbolic. The sadness of that day still hits me as hard as the day it happened.

Tabitha Blake said...

I know a lot of the TV stations had problems because the antennas were on the Twin Towers. That might explain some of that. But it was a day that America shuddered.

Rachel Newstead said...

I hesitate to say this because it sounds almost callous, but on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 I was....sleeping.

I'd been up late the night before (I like to stay up reading until the wee hours) and consequently did not wake up until two in the afternoon. Even then, I had no idea what was going on at first, because I didn't switch on the television.

It was not until I went through my daily routine of going to the library to check my e-mail (I did not as yet have a computer) that I found out what had happened. The library had banks of TVs tuned to different stations, all of which were talking about the World Trade Center.

When I heard that not only had a plane rammed into--and destroyed--the World Trade Center, but that a plane had destroyed a portion of the Pentagon as well, for quite a long time I was too numb to feel. It was as if I'd awakened in a bizarre alternate universe--the reality *I* knew could never have such things happen. Could it?

The feelings slowly started to come--first anger at how our security have been so lax as to allow this, then sadness at the thought that the world had suddenly become so insane. I think I wandered around in a daze for the rest of the day, going through the motions of daily living.

Tabitha Blake said...

Rachel I think your description was right on point. Numb is the one thing that stuck with me. It was like watching a disaster movie and so unbelievable. I sat in front of the TV most of the day and watched it over and over. Thinking how could this be happening? It was so unreal! Thanks for stopping by!

Marianne Stephens said...

I was up early in CA and watched everything on a new channel. Surreal. This couldn't be happening in what I considered a totally safe country. Our collective nerves took a shot at wondering how and why we were no longer safe at "home" in the US. It changed us forever.

Patsy Anne said...

Well, Tabby this was a very lovely tribute to all those wonderful people that we all lost....on that dreadful day. Our hearts were bro ken for everyone on that day...and we will never forget those heroes, and their families...and they will always be in our thoughts and prayers as well. Being Tabby's have seen a peek into her soul...and I as extremely proud of my girl. Hugs and Kisses from: patsyanne

Jo Walker said...

Tabitha.. thank you for providing an opportunity and place for us to share our hearts and memories. Here is mine:

cannot read comments about nor watch TV shows about 9/11 without tears filling my eyes, even as they do now. I was living on the west coast at the time of the attack. I’d gotten up a bit earlier due to a weekly sales meeting. My son called me, said, "Mom, turn on the TV. We're under attack. Two planes have flown into the Twin Towers and one hit the Pentagon. A plane has crashed in Pa." My first reaction was one of unbelief because it was unbelievable. He said, "No, mom, it is true. Turn on the TV." I did and hung up the phone. All I could do was stand sobbing as I watched and cry, "God have mercy, God have mercy." No other words, no other prayer found their way to my lips.
Somehow, I managed to get ready for work, though tears streamed down my face. The sales meeting continued but I could not attend. I sat at my desk, listening and watching the coverage. A certain amount of rage flowed through me at what seemed to be other people's apathy. It seemed they just didn't get it. Indeed that was probably the truth until they sat and watched the magnitude of the attack. For days I watched everything there was — until the day came when my mind and heart said, "No more." The grief was too great. Enough was enough. Even now, as I recall, I can barely see to pin these words. Deep within lies a deep sadness and a rage against all within and without who would destroy our way of life, our freedom given to us by God. We must never forget and we must fight the enemies of freedom.

Tabitha Blake said...

That is so true Marianne. All our sense of security was taken out in a matter of a couple of hours. It is so sad.

Tabitha Blake said...

Thanks Mom! It was very heart wrenching to do this blog but I really felt the need to write it. Love ya!

Tabitha Blake said...

You are so welcome Jo. I understand how you felt. I struggled with tears, rage, shock, confusion and they cycled from one minute to the next. It was just so devastating in so many ways. It was like everything we ever cherished was ripped right out from under us in just a few hours.

Pat said...

Where was I? At work. My daughter-in-law called on her way in and said a small plane had hit the World Trade Center. We put the TV on to discover an airliner had hit it and one had hit the second tower. That’s when realized we were under attack

The boss, who wasn’t in had this 12-inch TV in his office and the reception was terrible. So I went to another office at the end of the building. We were on the 7th floor with a Manhattan view. It became a choice: listen to a blurry TV or watch it live over Staten Island. I watched as the black smoke changed to white and someone yelled from the other end of the building that the first tower had fallen.

Our office manager refused to let us go home until 3 PM. One woman who had kids and left was around 9 AM fired the next day. Nice place to work for, right?

I later learned that my nephew, NYPD, was in the second tower with Father Michael Judge setting up triage when the roof above them caved in. Father Mike was killed and taken to the church, my nephew was taken to Bayonne hospital with a severe concussion and burnt lungs. His wife was told he was dead. She learned three days later that he was alive. He was one of the lucky ones although it took him 7 years before he could talk about it. He lost her partner. He can still smell her perfume. A friend lost her only daughter.

Needless to say, 9/11 is a day I will never forget.

I doubt I could have written this yesterday. I didn’t realize the 10th anniversary would bring it all back or that it would hit me this hard emotionally.

Thank you.

Tabitha Blake said...

Pat that is so scary that you were so close to the event. I am glad to hear your nephew made it out okay. I am sure it was tough on him. It was tough on those that weren't there to witness it first hand. It nice to hear the good stories of the people that did make it out. Though we lost many lives that day some were spared. My prayers are with your nephew and his family. Thanks for sharing your amazing story.