And the Winner is...Drum Roll...Renee Rearden! Congrats!
Welcome to NN Jacquelyn. We are so excited to have you! I have read all of your Nightwalker and Shadow Dweller series and loved them. I have also read some of your Gatherers series and have really enjoyed those as well. Your worlds are so vivid and your characters are amazing. Please make yourself comfortable and thank you so much for taking time and stopping by.
Jacquelyn has been kind enough to give away a signed copy of Seduce Me in Dreams. She has also been generous enough to stop by tonight and visit with us, She will be on the blog around 7p.m. central time, 5 p.m. Pacific time. or 8 p.m. Eastern time. Hope to see you there.
This is how it will work:
Sign up for the blog. You can do this a few different ways.
Networked blogs which is Facebook.
Through your email.
Google friends which works with your google account.
It is all really easy. You will find all these options in the column to the right hand side of the blog.
Leave Jacquelyn a comment and be sure to include your email address.
Winner will be picked using and announced at midnight tonight central time. You will be notified by email and it will be posted on the blog.
You have 24 hours to respond or we will pick another winner.
NN bloggers aren't eligible to win just to keep it fare. But please feel free to leave a comment and join the discussion.
Contest is open to US and Canada. Sorry this is for shipping purposes. These costs can get expensive.
Important Info:
There are two ways to get the current comments.
One is to click on the title of the blog (Jacquelyn Frank Signed Book Giveaway)
This will take you to a page that has just this one blog on it.
Comments will be listed at the bottom.
Every so often just refresh the page and new comments will update at the bottom of the page. New ones will only show up if there has been a new comment added. Don't expect one every time.
The other way which is easier. Is for you to leave a comment and it gives you the option to receive emails when a new comment is posted. Be sure to check the little box when you are leaving your comment. This will send notices to your phone, computer etc.
With that all said let the contest begin. Good Luck!

Ravenna is the leader of the Chosen Ones, a small group of people from her village born with extraordinary powers. She doesn’t know that draws her to Bronse’s dreams night after night, but she senses that he and his team are in jeopardy. Ravenna can help him, but first Bronse must save the Chosen Ones from those who plan to use their powers for evil. Together, Bronse and Ravenna will be unstoppable. But Ravenna is hiding something that could endanger them all.
Please visit Jacquelyn at her website.

Hi all. This is the part where I tell you about me. Well, I’m an author. (hehehe) At least I try to be. I live in Western North Carolina. I have a little girl named Bianca. I’m a very young 42 years old. I have nine (yeah, you’re reading that right) cats. Nicodemous, (though he is really very sweet and would never get involved with a bitch like Ruth), Damien, (Yes, he has protruding fangs and that’s where I got Damien’s name from!) NiƱo, Leo (I had a thing for ‘Charmed’s’ Leo at the time) Malcolm ‘Mal’ (Capt. Malcolm Reynolds if you please!), Magellan, Jacob (He was named AFTER the book came out) Flash, and Butch (Named after the bully on the Little Rascals because that is what he is and boy is he a boatload of trouble!)
I’m trying to figure out what you all might want to know. I am inspired by my dreams. The stories you read come straight out of my sleeping time.
Personally I’ve been through a lot lately. Mainly gastric bypass surgery. I have lost 165 lbs in a little over a year and now weigh less than that! I also had a breast reduction and will, later in 2010, have a lower body contouring to deal with the excess skin. I almost bit the dust within 24 hrs of the gastric surgery, but I would still do it all again, even knowing the risks I’d be taking. My life has changed so dramatically, things I didn’t even realize I was missing. I was living barely half a life before, now I am bright, energetic and can finally keep up with my kid and travel like I always wanted to! I just bought my first pair of high heels since I was 20 yrs old!! I could not walk in them before because of the weight. Near my maximum weight of 365lbs, I could barely walk from my car to the interior of a store where the carts were waiting. Now I can shop for hours! (Urm, much to my accountant’s dismay!) Can you tell this excites me?
Hugs and Kitties, Jacki It was a joy to have you on NN Jacquelyn. Happy Reading and Writing, Tabby |
Hi Jacquelyn!
Hi Tabitha!
Jacki~ Like Tabby, I've read SO MANY of your books. Hunting Julian is sitting on my desk right now! I'm really looking forward to Me In Dreams too! Wow - the worlds you create just blow me away. And you say that comes out in your dreams?? My dreams are of my kids getting along without fighting - yup, I'm dreaming all right!
I'd have 20 cats if my husband let me. Course we have a farm load of animals as it is - and we rescue Border Collies too. Animals give me the warm & fuzzies - literally. Nice to meet another lover of the same.
Good for you in deciding to be pro-active with your health. GB surgery isn't for the faint hearted. The energy and life you were missing before is now all laid out for you!
You're not 42, you're that 20 something in those high heels :) !! Live the dream, baby! You write it, so go for it.
My question: Do you use a writing program (like Masterwriter or yWriter) and how do YOU back up your work?
Thanks for being here!! Love ya!
I have been a fan of Jacquelyn ever since I picked up her book JACOB on a whim.I have devoured every book of hers since. I have to say picking up JACOB was one of the best book buying decisions I ever made. I adore all of her series, and her stand alone books. I look forward to reading Seduce Me In Dreams. Congrats on the release :)
I use Write it Now. But only to keep track of my characters and my timelines. I used to keep it all in my head but now I have Old Timer's disease. :)
I am so glad you all like my work. I do try.
Hello, Jacquelyn,
I have to admit I haven't read any of your work, so, when this contest came up I went straight to your website. How on ever you got past me, I don't know! LOL But, I found you now...more to add to my to buy list...LOL Very exciting stuff...
Also, your story and you are a true inspiration. *HUGS* That is some kind of battle...
Last, I am so glad to hear someone else has "Old Timer's Disease" LOL, my kids tell me I suffer from this all the time...LMAO!!!
Some questions: Who do you read and why?
What part of writing do you find the most challenging? And, do you see yourself branching away from your current genre?
Thanks bunches...
Welcome Jacquelyn it is so nice to have you on NN. I am a big fan and also have 3 cats. LOL! I would have more but my hubby would kill me. I tend to take in all the strays. At the moment I am raising two baby birds. Thats me in a nutshell. Sorry about the pictures. Blogger is having a problem with the photos. I keep putting them up and the keep freaking out.
I'm back, LOL, meant to also ask you for any words of wisdom or advice you can offer for us aspiring authors...
Thanks, Jacquelyn
Hello, Jacquelyn. Welcome to NN. I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you soooo much for giving away a signed copy or your novel for one of our readers, and for taking time out of your busy life to answer questions. You are such a sweet and generous woman.
And to echo Tammy, you are such an inspiration. The battles you have fought and won shows what a strong and determined person you are.
I have a question for. Here goes: When you where working on your first novel--before you became a published author--did you ever suffer from doubts, telling you your story and writing ability were not good enough? The reason I ask is I suffer from this, and these doubts are really starting to wear on me, lol.
I must admit, I've not read one of your books yet. *Gasp* I know, but I'm a little OCD about series. When I fall in love with a world or characters or the author's voice, I want every book currently available before I start reading. I've been collecting your books for about a've got a lot of books out, gal! =D
I'm totally hooked by the blurbs and can't wait to read all of them, so I'm really hoping the Random.Org goddess picks me!!!
p.s. I follow the blog (GF and Network) and on twitter!
Wow! Thanks Renee for being such a loyal follower of the blog. Make me feel like all our work is worth it.
Well, I don't know about being inspirational.I'm just me, leading life the best I know how. I have my inglorious moments just like anyone else. The one piece of advice i have to give, put it out there. No one is going to magically see your work as it gathers dust bunnies on your hard drive. Be brave. Tell yourself, today is the day I'm going to start collection 100 rejection notices. When you reach 100, rework everything and go for 200. At least you can say you tried. I sat on my work all my life. Never thought it was good enough. Honestly, I still don't some times. We can't let our inner demons get the best of us. You might have a bestseller. You won't know if you don't try.
Wow! That's pretty darn inspirational if you ask me. I think the fear of rejection really freezes some writers. Sometimes you just have to say to heck with it and take a chance. Like you said you won't know if you don't try. You may not believe it but you are very inspirational. It is nice that you are so humble. Plus its nice to know we all start in the same place. It all comes down to perseverance. If you push and keep pushing it will happen. I have a quote that I keep above my desk.
"A writer who never quits is called published."
J.A. Conrath
I read it daily and try to stick to it. We also deal with doubt a lot. It's nice to know even big authors like yourself struggle with the same things we do. I can't imagine you doubting your stories. They are amazing!
I love your books and appreciate the talent and hard work involved. I had GB in 2001 and would not go back there and undo it for the world. It cured my diabetes and hypertension so there were lots less meds to take.
Good luck and keep the faith.
Youo have to remember, when I was writing these things, there was nothing else like it out there, except early Feehan and Kenyon. The publisher who eventually published me hadn't done much like it before. And to be honest, I backed into the whole thing. It was a lot of fortune and very devoted friends. I was quite lucky.
Thank goodness for authors like you that paved the way for fellow para writers like myself and some of the other bloggers here on NN. How amazing is it to say you helped pave the way for Paranormal Romance to take off. That alone is a huge accomplishment.
Thanks so much for sharing your time, and your inspirtion, Jacquelyn.
It was a pleasure getting to know a little more...
Thanks to Tabby too!!! Awesome job bringing us so much talent!!!
It was a pleasure to have you on NN Jacquelyn. You are a true inspiration in more ways than one. We would love to have you back sometime. I am going to get your new book soon. Can't wait to read it! Congrats on all your success.
I was happy to be here. :) Thanks for the invitation! Good luck!
Thanks Tammy! It has been really fun! All the hard work was so worth it to talk to some of the big names in the business. They have been so nice and have had such kind and inspiring words of wisdom to share. The one thing I have clung to is never to give up. That seems to be a constant if you want to be a published author. No one ever said it was going to be easy. But in the end it is so worth it.
Thank you very much, Jacquelyn. And you're right, I'll never know until I try--and I'm going to try!!! What have I got to lose?
Thank you so much for your stories, Jacquelyn. I remember reading the recommendation for your books and kind of rolling my eyes because I've never been a "cheesy romance" reader. I have to say though, there is nothing cheesy about any of your books and the only disappointment is that there aren't any I haven't read. =)
You wouldn't happen to be hiding under any other assumed names besides Jax would you? ;)
Haven't had the chance to read any of your books yet but this sounds great! Would love to win! :D
I follow via GFC
I am only published under JAX and JAcquelyn FRank. There's nothing else hiding out there. I don't have the time to be anyone else! Just keeping three of me straight is a full time job for me! (And a part time on for my assistant and part time for my housekeeper!) Oy! Did I mention the accountants? Be careful what you wish for ;) But I wouldn't change a thing. And I am so glad you don't think my work is cheesy! I bend over backwards not to be cheesy. I also hate when people have the hero and heroine fight for the whole frakkin book. Man, every once in a while is one thing, but 350 pages, book after book? It's such a tired device. Anyway, that's how I roll. :P
Jacki~ I'm so glad you stopped by! I feel better as a unpubbed writer after reading your comments back to myself, Brenda, and the others. I'm hoping I have the "something" that isn't much out there - if at all - and knowing my freaky idea just might stick with an agent gives me HOPE.
I have Stealing Kathryn to read this weekend. Thank you for writing such great books! I know I'll think of more questions later, but that's part of the ginko biloba working!
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