Tell us a little about your writing. What type of stories do you like to write? Any characters you like to write about? Any themes you find especially inspiring?
I write erotic romance. I like my happy ever after to be scorching hot. My heroines are all ordinary people with flaws, baggage from the past, maybe quirky personalities. I write across the genres: contemporary, paranormal (ghosts, werewolves, vampires), and I have a couple of Regency-set historicals, too. I write predominantly ménage, but also MM, and FF.
When and why did you begin writing?
I had nothing to read! None of my favorite authors had new books out and I’d re-read all my favorites, so I decided to write a book. I sent it off to a publisher, and I still had nothing to read, so I wrote another one. And another one. The rest, as they say, is history.
What is your favorite part of the writing process? What are your most dreaded tasks? Anything special you do to get through the tough parts?
The characters take up residence in my head and talk to me. Once I know what they want, I start writing. For me plot is the most difficult part of the writing. It all seems so logical in my head, but I have to be carefully to avoid plot holes and inconsistencies. And erotic romance is just the same as any other genre, all the facts have to be researched thoroughly, and be accurate.
To ease my path there is chocolate. I have decided chocolate is the answer to all life’s problems.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Because I’d sent several books off to different publishing houses, I received several contracts in quick succession. With the first one I was really excited. I was still floating around on a cloud when I got the second one. That’s when I knew I was a writer. I figured one might be a mistake, but not two.
What’s a typical day look like for you? What’s your writing schedule? When you’re not writing what are you doing?
As is the case for most authors, the day job is a fact of my life, so writing takes place in the evenings, on weekends, and holidays.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Ordinary people are entitled to a happy ever after. There is someone special out there for everyone.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep polishing. Check the submissions guidelines of the house you want to apply to carefully, and follow it as best you can. Only submit to a house that publishes the type of book you write. And good luck!
What do you do to relax?
Read. I was a reader before I was a writer and reading is still my favorite relaxation.
What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
What is the one thing you most want to do that you haven’t yet?
To be on the New York Times bestseller list!
Please tell us about your current project and where we can purchase it. Where can we find you on the web?
I have 23 books out now. The most recent release is “Rose’s Renaissance”.

Rose is at the swimming pool, unhappily completing physiotherapy after breaking her leg, when she meets up with a very attractive man she saw at rehab, Oliver. Unfortunately Oliver is in a gay partnership with Kieran, an equally attractive man. Oliver and Kieran take a liking to Rose, do their swimming pool exercises together, and then go out for dinner. Dinner leads them back to Oliver and Kieran’s house where the evening ends very satisfactorily for all of them, in bed.
But Rose’s leg is not healing properly and extra measures—measures she sincerely dislikes—have to be taken. And what will happen about her growing romance with the two men?
PG13 Excerpt
Rose's insides were a tightly coiled ball of need. Every word, every look, every touch of these two guys was sending her tensions spiraling higher and higher. They even made eating a sex act. One would glance at her, maybe raise an eyebrow or lick a lip, and Rose's heart would miss a beat. Her underwear was sopping wet, she was so ready for either or both of them.
Oliver was chattier, had lighter moods, was more likely to laugh. Kieran was more serious, a little dominating, but his smile was deadly, and the way he raised one eyebrow and just looked at her was devastating.
It was all she could do not to fling herself across the table into their arms and beg them to take her here and now in the restaurant. If they simply said goodbye and left her in the parking lot, she would die of unrelieved sexual tension for sure.
But just then both Oliver and Kieran reached out over the table and gripped one of her hands.
"Come home with us tonight?"
"We don't want the evening to end just yet."
"And I'm sure we can find some things to do that will not put stress on your leg or Oliver's," added Kieran with a naughty grin.
"Thank God! I-I-I mean, yes, of course," stammered Rose, once again blushing fiery red when she saw the grins on both their faces. Nervously, she pushed her glasses up her nose again.
They walked back to the swimming pool parking lot with Rose tucked up hard between the guys. Oliver had his arm over her shoulders and Kieran's hand was around her waist. They stopped at her car, and Kieran pulled her into his arms for a fierce kiss. His tongue plunged into her mouth as his hips ground against hers, his cock a hard ridge against her belly, leaving her in no doubt at all about his plans for that evening.
Oliver tapped Kieran on the shoulder.
"My turn now," he said, and slipped his hands over Rose's butt to pull her against him. Another hot, hard cock pressed into her as he kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her nose, oh so gently.
"Tonight will be very, very good for you, I promise," he whispered in her ear as he pulled away.
Rose collapsed into her car, her knees too wobbly to hold her up for another moment. She took a deep breath, then slid her key into the ignition. Tonight looked like being something truly special. And she wanted it. She wanted them.
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Berengaria, you must be my long-lost sister!! I adore chocolate (ask anyone, they'll tell you) and reading is one of my favorite pleasures. Congrats on your success - hope it increases this year!!
Wow... Berengaria! 23! Congrats lady! You are the hardest working writer I know.
I wish you continued success and I look forward to reading ur books!
Thank you, Tina and Rawiya,
I hope you both have an awesome year, too.
And yeah, there's no problem that can't be solved with a big enough box of chocolates!
You have n amazing number of books to your credit, Berengaria. I enjoyed your interview and wish you much success--including being a NY Times best selling author.
Thank you,Sarah
Everyone here is awesome
Sounds like Rose will have two hunks helping her heal...double the pleasure!
"Chocolate is the answer to all life's problems"...amen to that!
"The characters take up residence in my head"...when they take over your world, you HAVE to write their story!
Hi Marianne
Thank you for coming by and your comments - it's awesome you understand me
Thanks so much for stopping by today Berengaria, and sharing all your great advice with us.
I've had my chocolate for the night. Time to settle in to my reading.
Everyone have a great night!
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