Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Free Lunch and Other "Freebies"

Did you know that Publisher's Marketplace sends out a free daily edition?

Publishers Lunch is the industry's "daily essential read," now shared with more than 40,000 publishing people every day. Each report gathers together stories from all over the web and print of interest to the professional trade book community, along with original reporting, plus a little perspective and the occasional wisecrack added in.

Publisher's Marketplace is a huge database of lots of publishing goodies all in one place, but...yes, it's not free. with a little ingenuity and the power of Google, you can find bits and pieces of the same information in other places.

Want to find a publisher for your great American novel? Or that horrifying short story? Or that flash fantasy you scrawled while waiting in line at the drive up? Then look no further than Duotrope's digest. You can search for a publisher using media type, size of the story, genre, and theme. Plus, members can track their submissions and find out the publication's "real" response time.

Or do you need an agent? There's two services that I'm familiar with and have used: Agent Query and QueryTracker. Both of these sites have large searchable databases, feedback from members regarding agents, enable you to track your submissions, and also have hints and tips as to how to write effective query letters.

Need help writing the book? Well, your on your own for that one! LOL.

Hope some of these resources help you on your way to making your dream of getting published a reality.



Brenda said...

Thanks so much for this.

Tabitha Blake said...

I checked out Duotrope's Digest. Wow! What a great link. Great blog!

Sheri Fredricks said...

I'd never heard of Duotrope's either! After mosing around, it's bookmarked now. Thank you so much for your post. I really enjoyed it. You need to announce this, I know others would like to see your post too.