Sunday, April 3, 2016

Why is it so?

As someone famous once said, “I was born with the kind of enquiring mind that frequently gets me into trouble”. I, too, am one of those annoying people who often asks “Why?”

It’s not enough for me to read a book where many groupings are menages. I want to know why. Do they belong to a BDSM club that encourages its members to form polyamorous relationships? It is a custom or part of their heritage? Are they perhaps shapeshifters who need more than one partner to complete their transformation? Why? Why do some many people in this world group in threes or fours or more?

This isn’t just for ménages, it’s for any non-average situation. Anything out of the ordinary. Situations that are different make for great stories, but for me, there always has to be a reason why those differences have occurred.

I suppose that’s why once I have satisfied myself why a particular world which suits certain characters exists, that world keeps recurring in my books.

It’s not just with ménages, it also happens with other worlds as well. Several years ago two men who work at the Botanical Gardens met and fell in love. Their names are Kalman and Enre. Enre has fiery red hair and an attitude to match. The world is full of injustice and he wants everything to be fair and equitable. Kalman is older, calm and logical. Nonetheless the attraction between them is very real and passionate. Their story is told in “Hotter Than Hell.” Thus began the “Spicy Love” series. Neither of them would leave me alone though, so they were back for a sequel in “Still Hotter Than Hell”.

The Botanical Gardens where they work is a beautiful place and there’s something erotically primeval about digging in the dirt, growing amazing flowers, and watching seeds bloom. Then several people, work colleagues of Kalman and Enre, started demanding their own story. Beverley, Hyacinthe, and Inigo now have their own story, “Spicy Love” book three, “Blooming Love”, which is due for release in April. But this story isn’t an MM, it’s a ménage, FFM. There’s also a touch of the paranormal in this story.
One thing I can promise readers though. Trust me, there’s an absolutely solid, real-life reason, why this world and this story suddenly turned out this way.

“Hotter Than Hell” Spicy Love Book 1:
“Still Hotter Than Hell” Spicy love Book 2:
Berengaria Brown

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