Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Looking back and planning ahead - Kaye Spencer's 2014-2015 writing reflections

As I look back on my 2014 writing year, I do so with a sigh of satisfaction. As my writing life goes, this past year was productive and creative. Here are a few reasons why I can look back with a smile.

  1. I *joined* a sisterhood of writers at an up-and-coming publisher, Prairie Rose Publications. In doing so, I returned to my original writing roots: western historical romance. It feels good to be *home*.
  2. I wrote three western romance short stories for Prairie Rose Publications that were included in anthologies. With the rise in e-readers and the capability to read on cell phones, the short story and the micro story are hot right now. I'm pleased to be riding that wave. *grin*
  3. For the second year in a row, I had a free download micro story included in a holiday-themed anthology with the international writing group, Exquisite Quills.
  4.  My Hand-Me-Down Family recipe was included in the Bake, Love, Write book (edited by Lois Winston).
  5. I made three quickie promo videos that I shared with my compatriots in two of my anthologies and for the recipe book authors.
  6. But what I'm really pleased about is...
  7. I've received the rights back on five of my books/novellas. This was a big decision for me, because it left me with only two novellas in circulation (not counting Prairie Rose anthologies). But I understand so much more about the whole business of writing than I did back in 2005 when I waded into the ocean of publishing, that I'm better prepared to take control of my writing career and made informed decisions rather than the I'm-so-excited-to-be-published decisions. I know the ins and outs of editing and how to interact with editors, and I'm well-versed in self-marketing now. I have big plans for these five stories. My goal is to have each story ready as a second edition and republished in 2015.
 It'll be interesting to see how it all turns out for me. As they say, time will tell.
Until next year,
Fall in love...faster, harder, deeper with Kaye Spencer romances
Twitter - @kayespencer

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