Friday, December 7, 2012

What do you mean I don't know what POV means?

When I decided to write a book, I did just that. Sat and wrote a book. Easy, right? that’s what I thought.

I had written 137,000 words in two months, I was so excited to write the words ‘The end’ that I sent it right out to friends to read. What I didn’t know was those words really meant the beginning. After a few eye opening critiques I realized what I needed, help.
 It took me six months of classes, and workshops, before I could go back and fix what I did.

I never realized I had to know how to write before I could write a book. I had no idea what POV meant and didn’t know whether I was writing in first or third person.
Just a little example of how inexperienced I was:

                                                     Now don’t laugh

I watched the mist clear as the sun came up. Walking through the streets of Dayton was eerie in the morning for me. He moved up the street as the hooded figure moved closer.
I stopped at the corner and waited as he moved closer.  “What do you want?” His face was covered as he talked.
“I want you to stop interfering. Leave my family alone.” If you don’t leave us alone you will be the next to die.

                                                       I know, cringe, I did

I have mixed in here first person, third person, head hopping, telling, instead of showing. I could go on, but you get the idea. To think, I had 27 chapters written like this.

Now let’s break it down in a simple, easy to understand explanation:

First person point of view is when the writer will most often use the pronouns “I,” “we,” “me,” and “us.” He is writing from within himself, from the perspective of his own eyes and his own experience.
Example;  I watched the mist clear as the sun came up.

Third-person point of view allows you to be like a movie camera, recording any event. It also allows the camera to slide behind the eyes of any character, describing the events as it happens.
Example;  He inched up the darkened street as the hooded man cleared the fog surrounding them.

I write in third person. It’s where I’m more comfortable and writing suspense you want the reader to become part of your story. Step into the action.
 After many classes I re-wrote my novel. It went from 27 chapters to 21 and the word count went from 137000 to 87624.  My critiques improved and I found a publisher that loved it as much as I did. So, for me, all the time and effort was worth it.

There really is no wrong way to write in my eyes, just be consistent throughout. You will be happier, and your edits will go quicker. Believe me, I know.

 And now for the first look at my new cover.  I know drool, I am.  : )
Lynda Kaye Frazier
Author of ‘Rescued from the Dark’.
Released through Black Opal Books February 16, 2013

                Writing is my passion, Reading is my Love.

Until next time,
Lynda  : ) 

Twitter- lynda_kaye 

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