Monday, September 3, 2012

You can’t close the Aquatic Center. I’m writing a book!

As most readers will have worked out from my books, I love summer, the hot weather, the beach, and walking through national parks. For some years I’ve enjoyed swimming at a local, large Aquatic Center. One day as I was swimming up and down in my lane (the slow lane, sadly, not the fast lane, or even the medium lane), I started thinking that an Aquatic Center would be a mighty fine place to meet Mr. Right. After all, there’s plenty of brawny, naked chests, quite a lot of young, good-looking, ultra-fit life guards, and lots of sweaty, delicious muscles in the gym. The only surprising part of my decision was that I hadn’t thought of doing it long ago.

So I started writing the “Wet and Willing” series right there and then (in my head) as I swam. I expected it to be a paranormal series, as I’ve been writing a lot of paranormal stories lately, but the characters stayed firmly fixed in the here and now, showing no unusual abilities, remaining stolidly contemporary. Hey, that’s okay. Half the time I just take dictation from demanding characters anyway.

But then the unthinkable happened. The management of the Aquatic Center announced it was closing so they could undertake a major upgrade, and all the members had to find somewhere else to exercise for the eighteen months construction would take.

Eighteen months! Didn’t they understand I was in the middle of writing a series of books? The readers would kill me if I took eighteen months off in the middle of it!

Fortunately for my peace of mind, we were given passes to another Aquatic Center, a little farther away, but just as big and exciting. So the series, “Wet and Willing” continues to be written. Thank god!


Berengaria Brown Bio:

Berengaria is a multi-published author of erotic romance: contemporary, paranormal (magic, ghosts, vampires, fairies, dragons, and werewolves), futuristic, medieval, and Regency-set historical. She loves to read all different kinds of romance so that is what she writes: one man/one woman; two women; two men; two men/one woman; three men, two women/one man, three men/one woman…. Whatever the characters need for their very hot happily-ever-after, Berengaria makes sure they get it.

Book 2 in the “Wet and Willing” series has just been released

"Cold Woman, Hot Men" blurb:

Melusine Carmichael mistakes the plunge pool at the Aquatic Center for a regular pool and almost drowns with the sudden shock of the icy-cold water. While underwater she hears a voice calling her "Melly," a name she never uses. Yehudi and Arlington are nearby in the sauna and rescue her, using their personal body heat and the sauna to warm her up. They keep in contact with her via Facebook, and finally convince her to let them teach her to swim.

But Mel hears the voice again and worries that they’re stalking her, so she cuts contact with them. Yehudi and Arlington try everything to see her and she prevents them, so they meet her parents after their swimming class. They learn about the voice saying "Melly" and that someone is stalking her.

But who is it? And how can they get Mel to spend time with them again so they can convince her of their innocence?




Yehudi was leaning back against the wall of the sauna, his eyes half closed, his brain counting the minutes until he could get Arlington out of his teeny tiny swimwear and his own cock buried in Arlington’s tautly delicious ass. If he’d thought to bring lube in his gym bag, he may have been able to convince Arlington to fuck in the shower, right here in the change rooms at the Aquatic Center. But with kids around, it was likely just as well to wait until they were back home. But that meant adding another twenty minutes onto a wait that was already stretching out to be way too long for the ongoing happiness of his cock.

Arlington was looking though the glass panel in the door, snorting and shaking his head.

“What’s so amusing,” Yehudi asked.

“There’s a woman staring at the plunge pool, like she’s never seen one before. She’s taking her towel off, so maybe she’s going to come in here. Oooh, nice body. I like those long legs. Nice tits, too.”

“That’s it? You’re not going to tell me her hair color and eye color, and her height to the nearest inch?”

Arlington turned to grin at him. “Five six, blonde and blue.”

Yehudi heard a lot of splashing. “What on earth is she doing?” he asked.

“Drowning!” Arlington opened the door so roughly it crashed into the wall as he raced out. Yehudi jumped up and followed him out to the plunge pool.

The woman—well, he supposed it was the woman—was definitely underwater, and this was not the kind of place to practice underwater swimming. The whole point of the plunge pool was that users of the sauna jumped into the icy cold pool, and climbed straight out again to cool off after the heat of the sauna.

Arlington had jumped in and dived under the woman’s body, using his broad shoulders and strong back to push her up to the surface and nudge her to the side of the pool. Yehudi kneeled down and leaned over, grabbing hold of the woman’s arm, which was very cold indeed, and pulling her higher out of the water. Arlington pushed her some more, and Yehudi got a good grip on her waist and lifted her up onto the edge of the pool. He turned her onto her side and banged on her back. She coughed then dragged a rasping breath into her body.

Meanwhile Arlington had climbed out of the pool. “She’s breathing. Good.”

“Let’s get her—and you—back into the sauna to warm up.

“I like that plan.”

Yehudi picked her up and carried her the short distance into the sauna, laying her on his own towel, which was on the bench where he’d left it. Arlington followed him in the door then threw more water on the hot stones of the fire to make steam.

“Her skin is still icy,” said Yehudi. He was worried about her. Was this a suicide attempt? Why would she have deliberately jumped into the water if she couldn’t swim? “I’ll get her towel,” he said, wanting Arlington to stay in the sauna and warm himself up again after the cold water.

The woman was coughing again when he returned, and he gently wrapped her towel over her shoulders. “Thanks,” she said then coughed again.

After a few minutes she sat up, hugging the towel around her body.

“What happened?” Yehudi asked, at exactly the same time as Arlington said, “Why did you get in the pool if you can’t swim?”



Berengaria Brown
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1 comment:

hotcha12 said...