Friday, September 7, 2012

The necessary evil of editing

Edit is a four letter word in my vocabulary, and not a process I liked to perform. It ranked right up there with cleaning out the litter box.  But I soon found out it was a necessary evil, one that would make or break a good story. After I learned the process of editing it became easier but it has made my love for reading a challenge.
I’m an avid reader and love getting wrapped up in a good story line. I’ve read stories that had obvious spelling and grammar issues, but it never bothered me before. I’d read right through them. Now they stop me. I find if there are too many I feel the need to e-mail the author. Now, I’m far from perfect, and my editing skills still need a lot of work. But boy was I surprised with all the mistakes that are in some books these days.
My reading group picks two books a week for us to read.  Last month we did random self published authors. I was so surprised with what people are putting out there.
I know how anxious you can be to get your story published, but if you push it through, missing some important steps, you can lose your audience.   
I don’t want my work to get labeled as sloppy or hard to read. I’m going to take a little longer and make sure what I put out there is a story you can’t put down, and leave you wanting more.
As a group we did e-mail a couple of the authors. They were receptive and both admitted that they used family and friends to edit their story. They also stated they self published because sending off to a publisher takes too long.
In my eyes the wait is worth it. I’m not ready to take the self published path yet. I wanted my first story to go through a publisher. I needed to make sure someone else thought I could write a good story, other than my friends and family.
One day when I have a few more books, more self confidence, and much more experience in editing I’ll take on self publishing. Until then I’ll continue to edit, and edit, and edit. 

Rescued from the Dark, Set to be released end of 2012

Published through Black Opal Books

What if you woke up from a nightmare, trapped in a world of darkness, with no memory of how you got there? Rescued from the Dark is a passionate, gripping story about FBI agent, Jason Michaels, confronting his duty to his country, and struggling with his feelings for a woman with no memory of their love.

Undercover Agent,Jason Michaels, infiltrates the terrorist cell and risks everything, even his life, to save the FBI intern who stole his heart, then walked away. Once Mercy wakes from her coma Jason struggles with the fact that she does not remember what happened, but anguishes with the idea that she believes their unborn child belongs to her ex. Jason soon realizes the terrorists vow to get her back to claim their secrets locked in her memory, no matter what the cost.In a race against time, Jason and Mercy struggle to fight their attraction, and put their differences aside, as they launch a manhunt to save their country and each other.

Lynda Kaye Frazier
Facebook- Lynda Kaye Frazier- Author
Twitter- lynda_kaye 
Writing is my passion, Reading is my Love. 



Krystal Shannan said...

Good post. I agree, if you go the self-publish route you need to make sure your work is in tip-top shape. Your whole business is built on reviews and word of mouth.

Hollie said...

I had been a reviewer for nearly 4 years and the lack of editing in so many books was really starting to bug me, so now I am learning to edit. I don't have a great deal of experience but having someone with even a little experience is better than a friend or family member who won't tell you to "get head out of butt and write!". There are so many great stories out there that could be amazing, it made me sad, then angry, now I'm practising so I can help make stories better.

If your looking for a self editing course or refresher I can highly recommend Before You Hit Send run by, Angela James, she is very experienced and an amazing teacher.