Monday, May 7, 2012

Kindle or book? I will always need both. Will you?

     I’ve always been an avid reader. I was never without a book and would read whenever I could. I even have a library of books on CD for long car trips. I love the smell of a book store and the feel of the paper on my fingers as I turned each page. Then I got my kindle and my book shelves got dusty and I had no reason to stop  at our local bookstores, or so I thought.

    E-readers are amazing. They hold hundreds of books, magazines and newspapers. They fit in your purse and you can buy a new book with just one click. So what's the downfall?  I can’t think of any, can you?  With today’s technology you can turn anything into an e-reader. Your PC, Smartphone, iPod and so on, so what keeps the bookstores thriving?

     I know you’re saying to yourself, not everyone has an e-reader. Not everyone likes today’s technology, and you’re right. But there is another very important reason why the book stores will remain open for me…water.

    My two favorite things to do cannot be done together unless I have a paperback, and sometimes that can be a disaster. I love to go to the beach and take long hot baths and my kindle does not like sand or a hot steamy bathroom. So I will always need a book I can hold on to. How about you? What is your reason to keep your library growing?

      Blurb for, Rescued from the Dark. A romantic suspense to be published through Black Opal Books. Release date not yet set.
     What if you woke up from a nightmare, trapped in a world of darkness, with no memory of how you got there?  Rescued from the Dark is a passionate, gripping story about an FBI agent confronting his duty to his country, and struggling with his deep feelings for a woman with no memory of  their love. 

     Jason Michaels infiltrates the terrorist cell and risks everything, even his life, to save the FBI intern who stole his heart, then walked away. Once Mercy wakes from her coma Jason struggles with the fact that she does not remember what happened, but anguishes with the idea that she believes their unborn child belongs to her ex. Jason soon realizes the terrorists vow to get her back to claim their secrets locked in her memory, no matter what the cost. In a race against time, Jason and Mercy struggle to fight their attraction, and put their differences aside, as they launch a manhunt to save their country and each other.
For updates on my release date visit me at:
Twitter- lynda_kaye
facebook- lynda kaye frazier Author.


Jacquie Rogers said...

ZipLoc bag, gallon-size. :)

Best of luck with your book--sounds great!

Marianne Stephens said...

I've heard people say the same thing about the "feel" or "smell" of a book. Ebook readers will eventually become a major part of life. Technology moves forward.
I'm all for saving trees...and that doesn't mean I don't occasionally buy a print book. But, I'm thinning out my print book collection and opting for ebooks. Ereaders keep improving, and get cheaper. Younger generations are more adaptable to using them...and are very enthusiastic when I talk about being an author (and show ebook readers I have) at career day events.
Good luck with your writing!

LKF said...

Thanks for the idea Jacquie, I never thought of a watertight bag.

LKF said...

You're right Marianne. I'm never without my kindle and would be lost without it. I read every day. I did take it to the beach one day and it did not like the heat and moisture so I keep a few books in my car, just in case.
Thanks for stopping by.

Janice Seagraves said...

I love reading in the bath too and I need a paper book for that.

Good luck, Lynda.
