Sunday, February 12, 2012

Guess What? This is a self promotion post--just kidding.

Guess What? This is a self promotion post--just kidding.

Hello, and welcome to my day of the month--my blog day.

I don't really have a subject picked out per say, but I guess I better talk about something here before you click the red X in the corner and split.

LOL, I bet I made you groan when you read my title. You thought, oh man, I can't read another self promotion post--no more about Love's Prophecy, even though it is the greatest book ever. I can't look at the cover one more time, or read the blurb again, or read another excerpt.

Don't worry, my cover, blurb, or an excerpt will not be part of this post. Can't promise there won't be a poem about Love's Prophecy or maybe some hidden messages, but that will be all the self promoting for me today.

Warning: I am not a poetry writer. This is strictly for fun and for you to laugh at my expense.

Love's Prophecy is the title of my book.

Too bad it's taking so long to be available on the Nook.

Smashwords is taking their sweet-assed time.

The longer they take, the high my anger will climb.

Mel and Breeana are waiting for you.

Read about a vampire world exciting and new.

My characters are hot, my characters are fresh.

Irish spring soap is filled with zest.

LOL, I bet that last line threw you, didn't it?

Changing gears here.

I want to give a huge shout out to Allison Merritt. Her book, Treasure Hunter's Lady came out on Feb, 10/2012. Congratulations! I hope the sales gods smile upon thee!

The Treasure Hunter's Lady is a fantastic book. I highly recommend it.

I would also like to send a huge thank you to Lisa Kumar for featuring Love's Prophecy on her blog last week. And a huge thank you to Sheri for her interview with Mel from Love's Prophecy on her blog post. You two rock.

And speaking of Lisa Kumar, I finished reading her novel, Bound By The Mist, and I loved it. Her story is a true love story. Bound By the mist is another story I highly recommend.

And this leads me to another fantastic author. Ashlynne Laynne, author of The Progeny. I'm in the midst of reading this book, and let me tell you, I am loving it. If you are a fan of paranormal romances, featuring vampires, then this is a MUST READ!

See, I told you this wasn't a self promoting blog post...or was it?

Until next month, happy writing and reading.


Sheri Fredricks said...

LOL @ your poem. Especially that last line! LMAO! I really enjoyed your post Brendan. Like your book, LOVE'S PROPHECY, this blog post was fresh and new!

Best wishes on many happy sales - and may the sales gods smile on thee, too.

Brenda said...

Hey, did you like the way I promoted without actually promoting?

Plus I promoted others, so I killed two birds with one stone.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Brenda!! Awesome post and yes, the last line threw me :) You promoted without promoting very well! Congrats!

Anya Millar said...

Love the poem, too cute! Loved the post, funny and engaging :)

Martha Ramirez said...

LOL fun post;)

Brenda said...

LOL, thanks guys. I just didn't want to do another self promoting blog...blah.

Glad you guys saw the humor in it!

Allison Merritt said...

Thanks for shout out, Miz Brenda! Love that poem, I thought it was great.

Yeah, I think I need to send a letter of complaint to SW over waiting to get LP from B&N (are there enough initials in there?).

D'Ann said...

great job, Brenda! I agree, Allie's book rocks! So does yours!

Ella Quinn said...

Very funny. Good job promoting.

Brenda said...

Thanks, guys. This was a fun post to write. I've been brain-dead when it comes to blog posts. And to think I have a bunch of guest posts to write for my blog tour.

Unknown said...

LOL!!! Loved the poem.

Brenda said...

LOL, thanks, Sara.

Lia Davis said...

LOL. Loved the poem. Thanks for all the wonderful book recommendations. :)

Brenda said...

Thanks, Lia. I'm so glad you enjoyed my poem--well least thanks for humoring me, hehehehe.

Lisa Kumar said...

Cute and funny post! I love you poem. I hate SW's Premium Distribution. It takes for ever. Someone needs to light a fire under their tushies. Ach, B&N sales don't rival Amazon's, at least for me. Hopefully, you'll have a different story to tell:)

Thanks for mention BBTM! LP is awesome, and you promoted it without promoting it, lol, which is even more awesome!

christine warner said...

LOL...Brenda you ROCK and so does your non-promoting self promoting promotion :)

Brenda said...

LOL, thanks, Christine and Lisa! I'm so glad you stopped by and liked my non-self promoting, promoting blog post!

Tabitha Blake said...

Great blog Brenda! Sorry it took me so long been working on a book cover.I think I have it where she wants it now. Glad to see you in better spirits. Hugs!

Brenda said...

Thanks, Carey. I sure hope she likes the cover.

Jenna said...

I'm late getting by, but I thought your non-promotion promotion was awesome--as was your poem! But you could have ended with "Love's Prophecy is truly the best." It would have rhymed just the same. :) Great job, Brenda!

Brenda said...

Ah, Jenna, that would have been perfect! I should have asked you for help in writing this poem.
Thanks for stopping by.

To everyone who stopped by, THANK YOU! And thank you for humoring me on my horrid poem.

Nikki said...

I'm late but I'm here! LOL. Your post made me smile :)

Stacey Brutger said...

Ack, I'm late, too, but I stopped to read your post!