Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Duckie's First Ever Book Review! Sin Undone by Larissa Ione

Happy New Year everyone! I hope the holiday season was joyous and mildly belt-busting.

This time around I'm going to regale you with my very first book review. When I first took on the task I thought, no biggie, just pick a book, read, and review. But I had NO IDEA the amount of romance there is out there. Holy Crap! You could probably reforest the entire rainforest in Brazil with the volume of stories there are. It was the largest section, next to Young Adult, in the store. Needless to say I was a wee bit overwhelmed. I must admit that I have never read a romance novel. I know I know, shame on me. But, I'm not terribly well-read either. However, I was eager to see what this genre had in store for me as a reader.

I scanned the enticing covers of the books. Looking at the scantly clad people on the covers, waiting for one to jump out at me begging, READ ME DARN IT! My eyes fell on a black and grey cover with two tatted bodies ready to pounce on one another.

I picked it up, immediately flipped it over and read the little blurb on the back. It went something like this...

Her touch is deadly

As the only female Seminus demon ever born, master assassin Sinead Donnelly is used to being treated like an outcast. She spent decades enslaved, and now vows she'll die before she'll relinquish her freedom again. Then Sin's innate ability to kill her enemies goes awry: She creates a lethal new werewolf virus that sparks a firestorm of panic and violence.

His hunger can't be denied

Half-werewolf, half-vampire Conall Dearghul is charged with bringing in Sin to face punishment for the plague. And she's not stranger: He's bound to her by blood, and the one sexual encounter they shared has left him hungering for her raw sensuality. Worse, Sin is the underworld's most wanted and Con soon learns he's the only one who can help her...and that saving her life might mean sacrificing his own.

OH MY GOD! I was completely sold.

This fast paced tale begins with Sin's POV in the porlogue. She is master assassin with a huge chip on her shoulder. She's hard and detached from any emotion other then lust and revenge.

"The wargs must die."
Sin paced back and forth in the master chamber of her assassin den, her mind working overtime to process Bantazar's words. 

Con, her onetime lover, starts off the book in chapter one. He is equally detached, but hasn't been violated the way Sin has, giving him a more compassionate undertone.

"You damnedpire motherfucker!"
Con barked out a laugh at Luc's shouted insult, even as he hit the snow hard enough to shatter a human man's thigh bone.

The multiple POV's of this story make it more complete. Larissa writes a very complex story, and if you're not paying attention you could miss something important. This book demands your undivided attention. So no reading this while other things are going on around you. I have no idea how she is able to keep everything moving so smoothly and it not be a confusing mess, but she does.

This was action packed. My heart was pumping on more then one occasion, strewn with moderately graphic sex scenes. Although I did giggled when I read the word 'cock' on page 30. I know real mature of me. The sub-plots are filled with family dynamics, letting go of ones past and realizing the power of love. Cuz demons have feelings too!

I loved the ending. I won't spoil it for those how haven't read it, but my oh my it's a good one!

All in all, I loved this book. I enjoyed Larissa's sarcastic, straight-shooting voice. I appreciated the amount of description she used in her sex scenes, and I loved Sin and Con relationship.

If you enjoy demons, vampires, werewolves, and everything else that goes bump in the night, the this book is most certainly for you. Thank you, Larissa for adding the glossary at the beginning of the book. I did refer back to it from time to time.

Two Thumbs Up for Sin Undone!

Larissa, I am forever a fan and will be gobbling up the rest of your titles! Thanks for making my first foray into romance an exciting experience.



Tabitha Blake said...

OMG! Duckie, Larissa is one of my all time favorites. All of her Demonica series is beyond amazing. I have read them all and loved them. She creates such mind blowing worlds and her characters are so sexy. I love a sexy demon. You did pick a winner with this one. I hope you go back and read all the others stories about the brothers. And who would have thought of making a hospital for paranormal creature it is genius. Sorry i got a little excited. Did I say I love her! LOL!
Great review!

Julie said...

Great job on the book review! Her book sounds really super cool! Now I've got to check out her books. :)

Duckie said...

Tabby- she is awesome. I want to be able to create a story like that. I will be getting the rest of her titles for sure. It was a little hard to get into after having read Frankenstein, but once mind mind shifted back to modern day english, I eat that book up!

Julie- You'd love this book. It's steeped with mythology. Demons I have never heard of, tons of action, and sexy demons.

Trish said...


The whole Demonica series is on my short list of books to by this month. I've heard excellent things about them.

Thanks for the review.

Nikki said...

Wonderful Review!!

Larissa's books are amazing!
She is most definitely a keeper!
I have all the Demonica books, and
can't wait for Eternal Rider coming
out in just a few months!


Larissa Ione said...

Hi Duckie! A friend sent me the link to this, and I just had to stop by and thank you for such an awesome review! I'm beyond thrilled and honored that you chose Sin Undone as your first romance.

So glad you liked it!!!! I hope you like the others as much, and happy reading!!!

(And thanks to everyone else for the lovely comments!)

Brenda said...

WOW, WOW, WOW! Great review, Duckie! Tabby has told me so many great things about Larissa Ione's novels, and now reading this awe inspiring review, first stop I make when I go into town is the book store and get started on her Demonica series.

Duckie said...

Ok Larissa, you just scored some serious cool points in my book. Thanks so much for stopping by. You should be very proud of the stories you put- because they are awesome...just a heads up that'll reviewing another Ione book in the near future!
Brenda- it's easy to write a great review when you have a great book to base it on! You'll love it!

Sheri Fredricks said...

Duckie - excellent book review! I love the fact I can feel your excitement in every word you wrote. When the time comes for me to need a personal review, I'll remember you and see if I can't finagle the same response as this post. Congratulations on a seriously good review! I'm now going to check out all the Ione books!

Duckie said...

lol sure thing sheri. glad I got my point across! I really enjoyed writing it. I was thinking about adding a review section to my blog. I'm still stuck on the fact the Larissa commented..lol
