What does this mean for your writing? If you are like me, it means there is NO TIME TO WRITE. Things have increased at work as people rush there paperwork in before we close for the holidays. I still have Christmas presents to buy, family members to argue with. Recipes to organise and a house to clean.
In addition, I’m still supposed to fit in my writing?
Damn straight, I will, I want to be published, I want to write books that people love to read, books that people count down for the release date. The only way to do this is to write, currently I lock myself in the bathroom for 10 minutes a day, if I can fit more in before there is a knock, I take it. It’s all freehand, no way I’d have uninterrupted time at the computer. But I’m happy, as long as I can get something in, I think myself lucky.
There is a reason it’s called the silly season.
How are your writing journeys going during the Christmas season, do you have a secret to getting those words down. If so, please share them with us.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Bea Jay Nelson
I don't have time over the holidays to write anything new so i'm going back over my finished MS, making sure everything is in order--spelling mistakes, missing words, etc, etc. I'm going to be sending out queries in the early spring
Its the busy season, anything you can do with your writing over the next weeks is a bonus. Good luck with your coming queries.
Bea Jay
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