Hey all it's me, back from the abyss. I feel like I've been MIA for like ever! Anyway a ton of things going on with me. Sizzler Editions is interested in Soulmate's Touch, I've been working diligently with the editor to get my MS polished. I'm hoping for a release date soon. Although anything can happen.
Still I'm learning a lot. One of the things that I found most helpful, in my pursuit of publication, is that once you really get your foot in the door, things are quite different from what I expected.
I realized, even with all the years I spent writing journals, short stories etc...really didn't teach me everything I needed to learn about writing. Yeah sure it developed my voice, style and flow. But the intricacies of writing only comes from experience and learning through courses, writing groups and experienced voices already published.
Modesty is key, in learning and I've had my share of it on this journey. I don't really think we ever stop learning how to make our craft better. Perseverance, dedication and a humble attitude make achieving the goal all that much sweeter. The further I get, the more I realize I have so much more to learn.
There really doesn't seem to be a perfect protocol, to getting published. I truly believe we as writers must go at our own pace. Do what feels right. Whether we dive in head first or take slow steps, I think there is no right or wrong way. The only thing I wish to make clear is never give up, keep going in whatever manner is gonna get you to where you want to be.
To all my fellow writers out there, thanks to every single one of you for you have been my inspiration.
Emma :)
Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday!
Great blog! I am so excited for you. I know you are going to do great. You are an amazing story teller. It is so true don't give up and things happen in stages with writing.
Emma, you are truly a jewel. I'm so damn happy and proud of you and all you have accomplished so far.
Please keep me posted about SMT.
Hey thanks Guys! I couldn't have had the guts to even try and send out SMT with out your encouragement. I hope to do the same for you...And yes soon I will be critting and blogging full speed again...once things settle down.
You will do fine..I am pleased to hear your story. I love the cat on the blog as well. susan L.
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