Friday, October 1, 2010

October means Halloween


Hello, and welcome to Tabby’s Nocturnal Nights. My name is Brenda. Today, as you probably guessed from the title, I will be talking about Halloween.
I did a little research on Halloween and this is what I found. Halloween has been called the Christian Feast of Hallowmas, Allhallows, or All Saints Day. Halloween is connected as far back as the druids. They believed that on this night the Lord of the dead called on his multitude of evil spirits. To ward off these evil spirits, the druids would light fires.
The Celts considered Halloween to be the last evening of the year. They would observe omens for the future. Also, they believed the dead could revisit homes on this night.
Huh. I did not know that. Did you? I’ve never looked up the origins of Halloween before. There is quite a lot of info on it. But I will get more into that in my upcoming blogs.
For me, Halloween has always been an exciting night. When I was younger, I loved dressing up in a scary costume and going door to door, collecting candy. I loved digging the guts out of a pumpkin and roasting the seeds.
When I grew older and had kids of my own, my love of Halloween came back. We would begin to put up decorations in the middle of October. As soon as pumpkins became available in the stores, I would stock up, lol. We would carve no less than ten pumpkins. I love pumpkins. They’re so orange and round. My youngest son would always pick out a green one. He felt sorry for them, believing because they were green that no one would want them.
The evening of Halloween, after trick or treating, we would have a neighborhood bonfire, complete with hot chocolate and hot dogs, roasted over the fire. Later, we would hand the kids sparklers and the men—lol--would then set up the fireworks.
Now that my boys are older--one nineteen, the other fifteen--our Halloweens aren’t the same. We still carve pumpkins and hand out candy—though, I have noticed there are less and less kids who come to the door—but I miss our Halloweens of the past. I miss getting into the spirit of the season.
So in honor of Halloween, this month will be dedicated to things that go bump in the night: from vampires, Zombies, witches, haunted houses, werewolves, and many more scary creatures.
I hope you will join us, and celebrate all that is paranormal.


Tabitha Blake said...

I love Halloween! I am so excited about all the things we have planned for this month. You started it off perfectly. Great job!

Brenda said...

Me too

Sheri Fredricks said...

You found unbelievable facts! The dead will revisit? I better clean the house, my mother-in-law might be on her way over.

susan said...

I still like to trick and treat and I am a senior citizen and yes I am in my right mind yet. I dress up at work every year too even tho I work part time and not sure if I will this year..I may have off that night. susan L.