Well I will start with some of the things that scare me. You have to promise not to laugh. Okay you can laugh if you want to. LOL!
Spiders scare me to death. The little creepy crawlers send chills up my spine. You will see a grown woman scream, cry and go into hysterics over the little buggers. Thank God for my hubby. He is my spider killer and always saves me from the creepy little things.
The dark is another one. Okay it isn’t really the dark its self. I don’t sleep with every light in the house on but I do have to have some light in the house. I always keep the light above the stove on. The reasoning is if I hear a strange noise I want to be able to see what it is. It’s more what is in the dark and not the dark its self. I guess if something is going to happen I want to see it happen. Crazy I know. LOL!
Then there is the clown phobia I have. Clowns scare the crap out of me, they always have. I don’t like clowns in any form, not happy clowns, sad clowns or silly clowns. Whoever thought having clowns at a child’s birthday party was a great idea had to be totally insane. Stephen King’s movie It terrified me. Clowns cause me to break out in a sweat and goose bumps break out all over my body. I don’t go into an all out panic but I will avoid the situation.
Yes, you would never think a paranormal writer would have fears like these but I do. Now that I have told you all my deep seeded fears I want to hear yours. What scares you and why?
Happy Haunting,
Tabitha Blake
Nothing! I'm fearless. And your spiders and clowns don't skeer me! Not even in the dark. :)
Although, one time...
I was doing dishes, and when I reached below all of the dishes to grab up some flatware - I instead grabbed a frog.
I screamed like a little girl. I wasn't scared though, just startled. I mean, how does a frog even get into one's sink?
I'm scared of spiders, earwigs, the total dark, bungy jumping, heights, bears, cougars, people who yell, the black plague, writing a crappy novel, hair in the bathtub, and going bald.
I'm scared of snakes ever since I found one under my laundry basket in the bedroom. Jerusalem crickets (potato bugs), being alone outside in the dark, mean people, and rearing horses. I could list more, but there's not enough space.
Like Penelope, I'm pretty fearless too. But yuk, those jerusalem bugs are creepy looking and big! Wouldn't want to be around a rearing horse--that might make me quickly walk away. But I pick spiders and snakes up and put them back outside--yes, my cats have brought snakes to mommy and thank goodness, no poisonous ones--yet! I've been chasing a chipmunk they carried in today and let me tell you, they are fast little buggers!!
Centapedes... Oh the horror, I hate centapedes...and prayingmantas... I get heart palps just thinking about them. Also, I'm afraid of the "Excorsist" yes the movie. I still won't watch it by my self, or if I'm going to be sleeping alone for any reason...
All this talk about bugs gives me the Heeby-Jeebys! Yuck! I don't do bugs!
Bugs, especially when you don't expect to see them, like the moth that just flew past my ear on its way to lamp next to the couch. Ewww. Okay, so just a moth. But still. When you're not exactly sure what that creepy flying thing is as it flits by...
But really, I have to go with the internet/cable/computer crashing so I can't get on-line. That scares the hell out of me.
Anything reptilian. Just looking at their eyes makes me freak out!
Bats...which is probably why I'm also afraid of vampires. :)
I hate snakes and spiders. Since I got bite by a spider last month at work I am even more scared of them. I do not like the dark either. I must be careful when I read a book or watch a scary movie as I dream of it if I watch right before bedtime. I keep them for daylight hours. ha susan L.
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