Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jengu – The Merfolk of Africa

What is your favorite water creature? Does Ariel the mermaid pop to mind? According to Hans Christian Anderson, she’s a mermaid who falls in love with a Danish prince. Ariel can live up to 300 years and has an intoxicating voice. However, she can’t hold a candle to the Merfolk of Africa.

If you’re sad over losing a loved one and need a vacation to grieve, take a trip down to Cameroon Africa. Make sure to bring yourself a tackle box and fishing pole with you along with a few sacrifices for the Jengu.

When you’re on the beach, toss a sacrifice to the Jengu. They expect it so you can catch fish. Afterward, set up your beach chair. Beer on one side and fishing pole on the other…sounds tempting doesn’t it?

Once the sun goes down, summon a Jengu with a sacrifice. When they surface from the water, you’ll notice these folk look the same as Ariel’s. They’re beautiful fishy folk. But that’s where the similarities end. Jengu have superhuman abilities – godlike.

Ask them if you can speak to your deceased loved one so you can find peace in your soul. These lovely folk can be the intermediary between the living and the spirit world. Can’t beat that, eh?

Do you suffer from some ailment? On Cameroon, these folk are worshipped to protect them from getting sick, or healing them when they do. Join their little cult and you’ll live a long healthy life…

Mermaids can be found in literature around the world. Ever popular, they made it into romance novels as well. I’d recently read Mary Janice Davidson’s Fred the Mermaid trilogy. Very humorous romance. Enjoy!

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